About the Republic of Ireland

The Republic of Ireland is a country in Western Europe, adjacent to the UK, it is also known as “Emerald Isle” because of the beautiful scenery of Ireland island.  The cultural heritage, premium educational system and hospitality of Irish people make Ireland one of the popular places for overseas studying in recent years. After Brexit, Ireland becomes the only native English-speaking country in the EU whose native language is English while being the hub of Europe and the USA. Therefore, education in Ireland becomes the first choice when people talk about studying overseas in European countries.

Ireland is one of the largest software-associated and pharmaceutical products exporters. The sophisticated development of the sectors provide a linchpin support for the tertiary education and research development in Ireland, particularly in the areas of high-end technology. In the IMD’s World Competitiveness Yearbook 2023, Ireland is ranked 2nd out of 64 economies with its Economic Performance being the number 1, Government Efficiency and Business Efficiency being the 3rd. This impressive performance can surely benefit students to reach a great personal development. In 2005, the “Economist” rated the quality of life in Ireland on the top of the list world-wide, and also named Ireland one of the most livable places on earth. Is it good to study in Ireland? In a 2022 global study conducted by Campus Advisor, Irish education was rated top five in the world. Not only has Irish Education the quality, it is also very welcomed by international students.

3000 BC, the first known settlement in Ireland from mainland Europe. 1169, ruled by the British invasion. 1800, signed a treaty of alliance with the British and was completely annexed by the British. 1916 outbreak of anti-British rule in Dublin, the “Easter Rising.” In 1921-1922, the Anglo-Irish Treaty, formalised independence for the 26-county Irish Free State; while the 6-county Northern Ireland remained part of the United Kingdom. 1937, adopted the name of Ireland. 1948, declared independence from the United Kingdom in 1949, and Ireland declared a republic. 1973, joined the European Economic Community. 

In Ireland, Gaelic (called Irish by those who live there) is recognised as the official language of the nation while the language spoken in Ireland is primarily English, with over 95% of the population being able to speak English. However, Irish (also known as Gaelic) is still a compulsory language course in schools, preserving its own cultural characteristics. The Irish language still holds a special place in traditional Irish culture, literature, art, music, and theatre.

Other information

Independence Day: December 6, 1921 

National Day: March 17, also known as St. Patrick’s Day 

Area: 70,280 square kilometers

Population: 5 million

Capital city: Dublin 

Language: 95% English;  5% Irish (Gaelic) 

Currency: Euro (€) 

Climate: Ireland has a temperate maritime climate

Winter months: December – February, an average temperature of 2 ℃ to10 ℃ 

Summer month: May – September, an average temperature of 15 ℃ to 20 ℃ 

Time difference (with Hong Kong): – 8 hours, Daylight saving time -7 hours 

Country code: 353

Voltage: 230V, 50Hz (as in Hong Kong) 

Electrical plug: square column pin plug (as in Hong Kong)